Nanjing Xinhongyun House Demolition Co., Ltd

Nanjing Xinhongyun House Demolition Co., Ltd
Scrap utilization materials
Business Scope:
Scrapped equipment, metal, whole plant recycl
Nanjing Xinhongyun Housing Demolition Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise integrating plant demolition, residential housing demolition, building engineering decoration, family decoration, municipal engineering construction, etc. At present, the main business of the company is demolition of large factory buildings. In terms of demolition, it is characterized by high speed, low cost, safety and reliability, and little interference to the surrounding environment. With the love of the society, it has successively participated in many large and medium-sized demolition and decoration businesses in Nanjing. Due to the good quality of the project, the construction speed is fast; It was unanimously recognized and praised by Party A. Ensuring safety, valuing reputation, creating high quality and ensuring construction period" It is our company's tenet, customer satisfaction is our responsibility, and creating social benefits is our obligation....See More Information>>
Nanjing Xinhongyun House Demolition Co., Ltd
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  • Company Name:Nanjing Xinhongyun House Demolition Co., Ltd
  • Technology Support:wangyou
  • Customer Service 400-622-1112